Certified Training on Web Design & Development Using Laravel & Vue

Certified Training on Web Design & Development Using Laravel & Vue

Best applications are developing recently in the world using combinely Laravel and Vue JS framework.This course will help students to develop skill on web application using Laravel and VueJs Framework

course at a glance

  • Date : 10 Aug - 9 Nov 2024
  • No. of Classes/ Sessions : 36
  • Total Hours : 108
  • Last Date of Registration : 10 Aug 2024
  • Class Schedule :
    • Saturday - 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Monday - 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Wednesday - 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • venue : Venue: BASIS Institute of Technology & Management Limited BDBL Bhaban (3rd Floor - East), 12 Kawran Bazar, Dhaka -1215. Contact Number: 01989408040

Price: TK. 25,000
(including VAT & TAX)
One-time full payment: BDT 21,000

This Training is organized by BITM & Training will be held in BITM Lab

Course Outline: 


  • HTML Tags, Attributes,
  • Elements, Comments,
  • Head, Body, Section,
  • HTML Semantic Element
  • Div, Header,
  • Footer,
  • Page Title,
  • Headings,
  • Paragraphs,
  • Hyperlinks,
  • Lists,
  • HTML Text Formatting Tag
  • Images, Caption
  • Tables & Form Making
  • Input Elements


  • Types of Style Sheets,
  • CSS Selectors,
  • Properties,
  • Values,
  • Backgrounds,
  • Colors,
  • Text Styling & Formatting,
  • Borders,
  • Margins,
  • Paddings,
  • Outlines,
  • Box and Text Shadow
  • Pixels,
  • Percentages,
  • Points,
  • Em,
  • Block & Inline Elements,
  • Float & Clear,
  • CSS Positioning,
  • Text Effects,
  • ID & Class Selectors,
  • Layers,
  • Pseudo Classes,
  • Pseudo Elements,
  • Media Types,
  • Layouts
  • Transform, Scale, Skew, Rotate, Transection
  • keyframes in CSS


  • About jQuery,
  • Syntax, Selectors,
  • Attributes,
  • Traversing,
  • CSS,
  • Events,
  • Effects
  • Making jQuery Scroll top with animation
  • jQuery Image Zoom Plugin 


 What is Bootstrap

  • How to use it
  • Starting to make a Personal Portfolio webpage
  • Bootstrap Basic Template


 Bootstrap Grid system     

  • Typography,
  • Tables,
  • Forms,
  • Bootstrap Navs, Tabs
  • Navbar,
  • Carousel
  • Scrollspy,
  • Modal,
  • Card,
  • Pagination,
  • Labels,
  • Badges, Alerts
  • Bootstrap Display,
  • Flex,
  • Float,
  • Shadow,
  • sizing,
  • spacing,
  • vertical Align
  • Accordion

Module-8 (Setup Development Environment)

  • Overview of back-end development
  • Overview of front-end development
  • Why use Database
  • What is development environment
  • Setup development environment
  • Run PHP code

Module-9 (PHP Fundamentals)

  • Basic syntax
  • PHP naming convention
  • Variables, Datatype
  • Super global variables
  • Operators
  • Conditional statement
  • Control Statements
  • Arrays
  • Build-in functions

Module-10 (Object Oriented Programing PHP-1)

  • PHP Class
  • Objects
  • Property
  • Methods
  • Constructor
  • Destructor
  • Class autoload
  • Composer 
  • Namespace

Module-11 (Object Oriented Programing PHP-2)

  • Access modifier
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstract Class
  • Trait
  • Interface
  • Problem solving

Module-12 (PHP &  MySql -1)

  • Introduce with database
  • Mysql overview
  • Database engine
  • Create mysql database
  • Connect with mysql database using php
  • Write test query
  • Close mysql connection

Module-13 (PHP & Mysql – 2)

  • Insert data into database
  • Read data from database
  • Update data into database
  • Delete data from database

Module-14 (Laravel Fundamentals)

  • Understanding the concept of a Framework.
  • Understanding the concept of Laravel design pattern (MVC)
  • Laravel routing
  • Middleware
  • Laravel blade template engine
  • Laravel templating
  • Artisan command

Module-15 (Laravel Query Builder & ORM)

  • Laravel Migration
  • Inserting data using Query builder
  • Updating data using Query Builder
  • Deleting data using Query Builder
  • Select data using Query Builder
  • Inserting data using ORM
  • Updating data using ORM
  • Deleting data using ORM
  • Select data using ORM

Module-16 (Laravel Eloquent relationship)

  • One To One
  • One To Many
  • One To Many (Inverse) / Belongs To
  • Has One Through
  • Has Many Through

Module-17 (Laravel Authentication)

  • User login 
  • User registration
  • Login with username or email
  • Register with username or email
  • Logout

Module-18 (Laravel Form)

  • Design form
  • Add form data to database
  • Update form data

Module-19 (Laravel file upload)

  • Upload file/image
  • List all uploads
  • Update file/image
  • Delete file/image

Module-20 (Validate Form, Error Handling & Laravel Faker)

  • Validate request data(required, unique, etc..)
  • Try catch handling
  • Log writing
  • Error page handling
  • Show success / Failure message
  • Create data seeder
  • Seed data

Module-21 (Manage Backend Features & RESTful API Development)

  • Manage categories
  • Manage products
  • Manage orders
  • Develop API

Module-22 (JavaScript & Vue js Overview)

  • JavaScript overview
  • Vue js overview
  • Vue js development environment setup
  • Run vue js with laravel

Module-23 (Fundamentals of vue js)

  • Vue template
  • Vue  bindings
  • Vue  components
  • Vue routing
  • Vue dev tools

Module-24 ( Vue Lifecycle & Vuex)

  • Vue component lifecycle
  • Vuex overview
  • Vuex mutations
  • Vuex getters
  • Vuex actions
  • Vuex state management

Module-25 (Vue Single Page App-1)

  • Showing all product list using vue axios via rest api
  • Searching product
  • Filter product by category 
  • Vue single product 

Module-26 (Vue Single Page App-2)

  • Create vue form
  • Validate vue form
  • Checkout product

Module-27 (Overview of Completed Single Page Application (SPA))

  • Single page application 
  • Single page application pors
  • Single page application cons
  • Overview of who we learned 


Module-28 & 29

A Professional Project 
A basic e-commerce app that gives a clear concept of how an e-commerce application is working.


  Project Presentation


Web Design & Development Using Laravel & Vue Web Design & Development Using Laravel & Vue 108 Hrs