BITM was established with a vision to be a world-class IT institute in Bangladesh for the purpose of enhancing the competitiveness of the IT Sector in Bangladesh by creating a pool of qualified IT professionals and quality certified IT companies.It has some core values:

  • IndustryWe cultivate partnerships that develop solutions to industry challenges which are important to economic vitality and quality of services.
  • ExcellenceWe strive for excellence in instruction and service by upholding high academic and professional standards, providing a quality educational environment, and continuously seeking improvement in all aspects of our work.
  • InnovationWe pursue excellence in teaching and learning through encouragement and support of creativity, experimentation, imagination, originality, entrepreneurial spirit and visionary leadership.
  • Integrity We strive to demonstrate high standards of ethical conduct and to celebrate honesty, openness, and trust as keys to our relationships.
  • Respect We recognize and value the uniqueness, diversity, and dignity of every individual.