Certified Training on Full-Stack Web Development with Java for Beginners

Certified Training on Full-Stack Web Development with Java for Beginners

Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate

course at a glance

  • Date : 13 May - 2 Aug 2024
  • No. of Classes/ Sessions : 44
  • Total Hours : 108
  • Last Date of Registration : 13 May 2024
  • Class Schedule :
    • Saturday - 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
    • Monday - 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
    • Wednesday - 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • venue : BASIS Institute of Technology & Management Limited BDBL Bhaban (3rd Floor-East), 12, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka -1215. Contact No-01810187044

Price: TK. 16,000
(including VAT & TAX)
One Time Full Payment 12,000TK.

Setting Up Working Environment

  • Installing VS Code Editor
  • Installing VS code Extensions
  • Creating Ideal Folder Structure

HTML + CSS + Bootstrap + JavaScript + jQuery HTML

  • What is HTML 
  • HTML Structure
  • HTML Elements 
  • HTML Lists
  • HTML Images
  • HTML Links
  • HTML Table
  • HTML Forms

Project – Complete your first website using HTML CSS 3

  • What is CSS?
  • CSS Methods
  • CSS Selectors
  • CSS Colors
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Position Property
  • CSS Table

Project – Add CSS to your HTML website JavaScript and jQuery

  • What is Java Script
  • Basic Concepts of Java Script
  • Inline, Internal and External Java Script
  • Started with jQuery
  • jQuery Syntax and Selectors
  • jQuery Events
  • jQuery CSS
  • jQuery Animations
  • jQuery Chaining
  • jQuery Add and Remove Classes

Project – Add Some jQuery to your website Bootstrap

  •  What is Bootstrap
  •  Getting Started with Bootstrap
  •  Bootstrap Grid System
  •  Bootstrap Components

SQL + MySQL Getting Started & Installation

  • What Is A Database?
  • SQL vs. MySQL
  •  MySQL and workbench

Installation Creating Databases & Tables

  •  Creating Databases
  •  Showing Databases
  •  Introducing Tables
  •  Basic Datatypes Challenge
  •  Creating Tables
  •  Dropping Tables
  •  Tables Basics Activity
  •  MySQL Comments

Class Test: Solve Problem (Database, Table)

CRUD Basics

SQL Basics and SELECT

  •  Quick review of SQL syntax.
  •  Introduction to the SELECT statement for reading data.
Create (INSERT)
  • Syntax for INSERT.
  • Adding a new record to the database.
  • Retrieving data with SELECT.
  • Using WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT for data filtering.

Update (UPDATE)

  • Syntax for UPDATE.
  • Modifying existing records in the database.
Delete (DELETE)
  • Syntax for DELETE.
  • Removing records from the database.
Class Test: Solve CRUD Problem
String Functions + Refining Selections + Aggregate
  • Introduction to key string functions: REPLACE, REVERSE, CHAR_LENGTH, UPPER, LOWER.
  • Using DISTINCT and ORDER BY for clean result sets.
  • Advanced sorting techniques and precision control with LIMIT and LIKE.
  • Basics of COUNT, GROUP BY, and MIN/MAX.
  • Advanced aggregation using SUM and AVG, with real-world examples.
Class Test: Solve 50+ Problems of SQL
Data Types + Comparison & Logical Operators
  • Definition and importance of Data Types
  • Common types: INT, VARCHAR, DATE, etc.
  • Differences between INTEGER, FLOAT, DECIMAL, VARCHAR, CHAR
  • Overview of =, <>, <, >, <=, >=
  • Handling NULL values with IS NULL/IS NOT NULL
  • Pattern matching with % and _
  • Case sensitivity and COLLATE options
  • AND, OR, and NOT
  • Order of operations
  • IN and BETWEEN Operators
  • Simplifying multiple conditions
  • Range-based comparisons
  • Understanding Joins
  • Definition and purpose of joins
  • Importance of relationships in relational databases
  • Visualizing join results with diagrams
Introduction to Java
Setup Java Environment
  • Recommended Java Version - Java 17
  • Installing Java – Overview
  • Installing Java - Windows
  • Installing Java - Linux
  • Troubleshooting Java Installation
  • Installing Eclipse + NetBeans + IntelliJ
Features and Architecture
  • Compiler vs Interpreter
  • How Java is Platform Independent
  • Platform Independent Demo
  • JVM Architecture
  • JVM Architecture Details
  • Features of Java
Data Type + Control Statements
  • Primitive data types
  • Non-primitive data types
  • Array
  • If-else
  • Switch
  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • Do While Loop
  • Break
  • Continue
  • Comments
Java OOPs Concepts
  • Naming Convention
  • Object and Class
  • Method
  • Constructor
  • static keyword
  • this keyword
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Java Threads
Class Test – Solve 50+ problem
Java Collection framework
  • What are Collections?
  • Benefits of using collections for managing data
  • Lists, Sets, Maps, and Queues
  • The root interface for all collections
  • ArrayList and LinkedList:
  • Dynamic arrays vs. linked lists
  • HashSet and TreeSet
  • Unordered vs. ordered sets
  • HashMap and TreeMap
  • Unordered vs. ordered maps
  • Associating keys with values
Class Test – Solve 25+ problems
Spring Boot

Getting Started with Spring Boot

Overview of Spring Boot:
  • Introduction to Spring Boot and its key features
  • Advantages of using Spring Boot for web development
Setting Up Your Development Environment:
  • Configuring your favorite IDE
  • Creating a new Spring Boot project using Spring Initializer
Building the Core Application
Understanding the Project Structure:
  • Overview of the default project structure generated by Spring Initializer
  • Explanation of key folders and files
Creating a Simple Controller:
  • Writing a basic controller to handle HTTP requests
  • Mapping URLs to controller methods
  • Returning simple responses
Working with Models and Views:
  • Introduction to Thymeleaf as a templating engine
  • Passing data from controllers to views
  • Displaying dynamic content in HTML
Spring Data JPA with Spring Boot
Configuring a Database:
  • Setting up an MySQL database for simplicity
  • Configuring data source properties in application.properties
Creating JPA Entities:
  • Defining Java entities to map to database tables
  • Using annotations for entity relationships
Repository and CRUD Operations:
  • Creating a JPA repository interface
  • Implementing basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations
Adding Security to Your Application
Securing Endpoints:
  • Restricting access to specific endpoints
  • Implementing basic authentication
User Authentication and Authorization:
  • Configuring user authentication with Spring Security
  • Assigning roles and permissions
Testing and Deployment
Unit Testing with JUnit:
  • Writing unit tests for controllers and services
  • Using MockMvc for testing controllers
Packaging and Running the Application:
  • Creating executable JAR files
  • Running the application locally
Deployment to a Cloud Platform:
  • Brief overview of deploying a Spring Boot application to platforms like Azure or AWS

Complete your project and Submit it for review. 


Certified Training on Full-Stack Web Development for Beginners Certified Training on Full-Stack Web Development for Beginners 108 Hrs