Online Course on Mastering Flutter for Mobile Apps (iOS & Android)

Online Course on Mastering Flutter for Mobile Apps (iOS & Android)

Flutter uses Dart programming language for both the UI and the logical part of a project, so it doesn’t require another markup language (like XML) or visual designer to create a user interface.

course at a glance

  • Date : 30 Jun - 25 Aug 2024
  • No. of Classes/ Sessions : 17
  • Total Hours : 34
  • Last Date of Registration : 27 Jun 2024
  • Class Schedule :
    • Sunday - 8:30 PM - 10:30 PM
    • Wednesday - 8:30 PM - 10:30 PM
  • venue : This training is organized by BITM. Training will be conducted through online.

Price: TK. 9,500
(including VAT & TAX)
Early bird Discount Admission is going on till 30th May at BDT 7,500

This training is organized by BITM. Training will be conducted through online.

Flutter is Google’s UI Toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications mobile, web, desktop from a single codebase. This eliminates the need for separate platform oriented developers to build a single application which can be run on different platforms. Though Flutter is young, it quickly caught the attention of the mobile apps developers and became one of the most popular cross platforms. Flutter uses Dart programming language for both the UI and the logical part of a project, so it doesn’t require another markup language (like XML) or visual designer to create a user interface. Flutter and Dart are both easy to learn, easy to deploy and require less time and effort to build production ready applications from scratch. That's why most of the companies are hiring flutter (or other cross platform) developers to get the benefit of less production cost and time. 

This course offers a very convenient way to learn Flutter from the very basic to advanced level. After completing this course, anyone will have the strong understanding of the building blocks of Flutter and the ability to build professional applications both for Android and iOS platforms.

Course Curriculum

b.What is Flutter?
c.Why should learn Flutter?
d.Future of the Flutter.

2.Setup and Installation
a.Install Flutter SDK
b.Install IDE (Android Studio/VS Code)
c.Install Android Emulator(Menu/Build in Emulator/Vysor)

3.Dart Programming
b.Data types
c.Final and Const
f.Control Statement
k.Exception Handling
l.Future, Async and Await

4.Dart OOPs
a.Class and Objects
g.Null Safety

5.Flutter widget
a.Stateless vs Statefull
d.Row & Column
k.Bottom Navigation Bar
m.List View, Gridview, Pageview and more.

6.Flutter User Input:
a.Flutter Text Field
b.Flutter Form Field with Validation
c.Flutter Check box and Radio Buttons
d.Gesture Detector and Inkwell

7.Flutter Animation
a.Flutter Hero Animation
b.Flutter Implicit vs Explicit Animation
c.Flutter Staggered Animation

8.Flutter Routing
a.Flutter Routing such as Named Routing, Decarative Routing
b.Data pass with Routing
d.Applying PUSH and POP

9.Flutter Slivers

10.Flutter UI Design
a.Create Beautiful UI with Flutter
b.Responsive UI Design
c.3+ UI Design Project

11.Flutter State Management
a.Stateless, Stateful & It’s lifecycle
b.Getx and its’s uses
c.Provider and its uses.

12.Flutter Local Database
a.Shared Preference
b.Sqflite Database
c.Hive Database
d.CRUD Operation with Sqflite and Hive Database

13.Flutter Networking
a.Http Package
b.JSON Serialization

a.Cloud Firestore
b.Firebase Sign up and Sign In Authentication
c.Firebase Firestore Database
d.Firebase Storage
e.Push Notifications

15. Project:
a.Weather App Using REST API
b.News App/Blog App Using REST API.

16.How to earn with Flutter
Find work from Fiverr or Upwork
Start your own Business
Earn from your apps


Module Online Course on Mastering Flutter for Mobile Apps(iOS & Android) 34 Hrs

Tentative Class Start

30th June, 2024

Available Seat

10 / 20

who can join

Students must have the basic knowledge of Computer Programming with any Object Oriented based language like Java, C#, Python etc.

Meet the Instructor