Web Application Development using Python

Web Application Development using Python

The best applications are developing web applications.

course at a glance

  • Date : 8 Jul - 27 Aug 2021
  • No. of Classes/ Sessions : 16
  • Total Hours : 48
  • Last Date of Registration : 6 Jul 2021
  • Class Schedule :
    • Sunday - 6.00 PM - 9.00 PM
    • Tuesday - 6.00 PM - 9.00 PM
    • Thursday - 6.00 PM - 9.00 PM
  • venue : 64/6, Lake Circus, Panthapath (Russell Square), Kalabagan, Dhaka-1205

Price: TK. 12,000
(including VAT & TAX)

 This Training is jointly organized by BITM & Daffodil International Professional Training Institute (DIPTI).

Python Course Module

  1. Python 3 – Overview
    1. History of Python
    2. Python Features
  2. Python 3 – Environment Setup
    1. Local Environment Setup
    2. Getting Python
    3. Setting up PATH
    4. Setting Path at Unix/Linux
    5. Setting Path at Windows
    6. Python Environment Variables
    7. Running Python
  3. Python 3 – Basic Syntax
  4. First Python Program
  5. Python Identifiers
  6. Reserved Words
  7. Lines and Indentation
  8. Multi-Line Statements
  9. Quotation in Python
  10. Comments in Python
  11. Using Blank Lines
  12. Waiting for the User
  13. Multiple Statements on a Single Line
  14. Multiple Statement Groups as Suites
  15. Command Line Arguments
  16. Variable Types
  17. Assigning Values to Variables
  18. Multiple Assignment
  19. Standard Data Types
  20. Python Numbers
  21. Python Strings
  22. Python Lists
  23. Python Tuples
  24. Python Dictionary
  25. Data Type Conversion
  26. Basic Operators
    1. Types of Operator
    2. Python Arithmetic Operators
    3. Python Comparison Operators
    4. Python Assignment Operators
    5. Python Bitwise Operators
    6. Python Logical Operators
    7. Python Membership Operators
    8. Python Identity Operators
    9. Python Operators Precedence
  27. Decision Making
    1. IF Statement
    2. ..ELIF...ELSE Statements
    3. Nested IF Statements
    4. Single Statement Suites
  28. Loops
    1. while Loop Statements
    2. for Loop Statements
    3. Nested loops
    4. Loop Control Statements
    5. break statement
    6. continue Statement
    7. pass Statement
    8. Iterator and Generator
  29. Numbers
    1. Mathematical Functions
    2. Number abs() Method
    3. Number ceil() Method
    4. Number exp() Method
    5. Number fabs() Method
    6. Number floor() Method
    7. Number log() Method
    8. Number log10() Method
    9. Number max() Method
    10. Number min() Method
    11. Number modf() Method
    12. Number pow() Method
    13. Number round() Method
    14. Number sqrt() Method
    15. Random Number Functions
    16. Number choice() Method
    17. Number randrange() Method
    18. Number random() Method
    19. Number seed() Method
    20. Number shuffle() Method
    21. Number uniform() Method
    22. Trigonometric Functions
    23. Number acos() Method
    24. Number asin() Method
    25. Number atan() Method
    26. Number atan2() Method
    27. Number cos() Method
    28. Number hypot() Method
    29. Number sin() Method
    30. Number tan() Method
    31. Number degrees() Method
    32. Number radians() Method
    33. Mathematical Constants
  30. Strings
    1. Accessing Values in Strings
    2. Updating Strings
    3. Escape Characters
    4. String Special Operators
    5. String Formatting Operator
    6. Triple Quotes
    7. Unicode String
    8. String capitalize() Method
    9. String center() Method
    10. String count() Method
    11. String decode() Method
    12. String encode() Method
    13. String endswith() Method
    14. String expandtabs() Method
    15. String find() Method
    16. String index() Method
    17. String isalnum() Method
    18. String isalpha() Method
    19. String isdigit() Method
    20. String islower() Method
    21. String isnumeric() Method
    22. String isspace() Method
    23. String istitle() Method
    24. String isupper() Method
    25. String join() Method
    26. String len() Method
    27. String ljust() Method
    28. String lower() Method
    29. String lstrip() Method
    30. String maketrans() Method
    31. String max() Method
    32. String min() Method
    33. String replace() Method
    34. String rfind() Method
    35. String rindex() Method
    36. String rjust() Method
    37. String rstrip() Method
    38. String split() Method
    39. String splitlines() Method
    40. String startswith() Method
    41. String strip() Method
    42. String swapcase() Method
    43. String title() Method
    44. String translate() Method
    45. String upper() Method
    46. String zfill() Method
    47. String isdecimal() Method
  31. Lists
  32. Python Lists
  33. Accessing Values in Lists
  34. Updating Lists
  35. Delete List Elements
  36. Basic List Operations
  37. Indexing, Slicing and Matrixes
  38. Built-in List Functions & Methods
  39. List len() Method
  40. List max() Method
  41. List min() Method
  42. List list() Method
  43. List append() Method
  44. List count() Method.
  45. List extend() Method
  46. List index() Method
  47. List insert() Method
  48. List pop() Method.
  49. List remove() Method
  50. List reverse() Method
  51. List sort() Method
  52. Tuples
    1. Accessing Values in Tuples
    2. Updating Tuples
    3. Delete Tuple Elements
    4. Basic Tuples Operations
    5. Indexing, Slicing, and Matrixes
    6. No Enclosing Delimiters
    7. Built-in Tuple Functions
    8. Tuple len() Method
    9. Tuple max() Method
    10. Tuple min() Method
    11. Tuple tuple() Method
  53. Dictionary
    1. Accessing Values in Dictionary
    2. Updating Dictionary
    3. Delete Dictionary Elements
    4. Properties of Dictionary Keys
    5. Built-in Dictionary Functions & Methods
    6. Dictionary len() Method
    7. Dictionary str() Method
    8. Dictionary type() Method
    9. Dictionary clear() Method
    10. Dictionary copy() Method
    11. Dictionary fromkeys() Method
    12. Dictionary get() Method
    13. Dictionary items() Method
    14. Dictionary keys() Method
    15. Dictionary setdefault() Method
    16. Dictionary update() Method
    17. Dictionary values() Method6
  54. Functions
    1. Defining a Function
    2. Calling a Function
    3. Pass by Reference vs Value
    4. Function Arguments
    5. Required Arguments
    6. Keyword Arguments
    7. Default Arguments
    8. Variable-length Arguments
    9. The Anonymous Functions
    10. The return Statement
    11. Global vs. Local variables
  55. Modules
    1. The import Statement
    2. The from...import Statement
    3. The from...import * Statement
    4. Executing Modules as Scripts
    5. Locating
    6. The PYTHONPATH Variable
    7. Namespaces and Scoping
    8. The dir( ) Function
    9. The globals() and locals() Functions
    10. The reload() Function
    11. Packages in Python
  56. Regular Expressions
    1. The match Function
    2. The search Function
    3. Matching Versus Searching
    4. Search and Replace
    5. Regular Expression Modifiers: Option Flags
    6. Regular Expression Patterns
    7. Regular Expression Examples
    8. Character classes


  1. MySQL Database Access
    1. What is PyMySQL
    2. How to Install PyMySQL
    3. Database Connection
    4. Creating Database Table
    5. INSERT Operation
    6. READ Operation
    7. Update Operation
    8. DELETE Operation
    9. Performing Transactions
    10. COMMIT Operation
    11. ROLLBACK Operation
    12. Disconnecting Database
    13. Handling Errors


Web Framework of Python

  1. Introduction to Django
    1. Django components
    2. How to install and Configure Django components


  1. How to Create Django View
    1. About View Functions
    2. Using Django's  HttpResponse Class
    3. Understanding HttpRequest Objects
    4. Using QueryDict Objects
  2. Configuring URLconf's
    1. About URLconf
    2. Regular Expressions
    3. Expression Examples
    4. Simple URLConf Examples
    5. Using Multiple URLConf's
    6. Passing URL Arguments


  1. Django Templates
    1. Template Fundamentals
    2. Creating Template Objects
    3. Loading Template Files
    4. Filling in Template Content (Context Objects)
    5. Template Tags
    6. Template Filters
    7. More on For Loops
    8. Template Inheritance
    9. Easy Rendering of Templates
    10. RequestContext Processors
    11. Global Context Processors
  2. Django Forms
    1. Form classes
    2. Validation
    3. Authentication
    4. Advanced Forms processing techniques
  3. Django and REST API
    1. Django REST framework
    2. Django-piston
  4. Database models
    1. About Database Models
    2. Configuring Django for Database Access
    3. Understanding Django Apps
    4. About Django Models
    5. Defining Django Models
    6. Understanding Model Fields & Options
    7. Table Naming Conventions
    8. Creating A Django Model
    9. Adding the App to Your Project
    10. Validating the App
    11. Generating & Reviewing the SQL
    12. Adding Data to the Model
    13. Primary Keys and the Model
    14. Simple Data Retrieval Using a Model
    15. Understanding QuerySets
    16. Applying Filters
    17. Specifying Field Lookups
    18. Lookup Types
    19. Slicing QuerySets
    20. Specifying Ordering in QuerySets
    21. Common QuerySet Methods
    22. Deleting Records
    23. Managing Related Records
    24. Retrieving Related Records
    25. Using Q Objects
    26. Creating Forms from Models
  5. Django Admin Interface
    1. Enabling the Admin Interface
    2. Creating an Admin User
  6. Access Control with Sessions and Users
    1. Cookies & Django
    2. The Django Session Framework
    3. Sessions in Views
    4. Session Tuning
    5. Installing Django User Authentication
    6. Using Authentication in Views
    7. Login and Logout
    8. Building your Own Login/Logout Views
    9. Authentication Decorators
    10. Adding & Deactivating Users
    11. Asynchronous Messaging
    12. Managing Permissions
  7. Generic Views
    1. Simple Generic Views
    2. Using Generic Redirects
    3. Other Generic Views
    4. Create/Update/Delete Generic views
  8. Django's Email Functionality
    1. Configuring Mail Settings
    2. Sending Email
    3. Other Email Functions
  9. Deploying Django Applications
    1. Deploying Django Applications


Class 16 Real Life Project 3 Hrs
Class 15 Django's Email Functionality & Deploying Django Applications 3 Hrs
Class 14 Access Control with Sessions, Users & Generic Views 3 Hrs
Class 13 Database models & Django Admin Interface 3 Hrs
Class 12 Django Forms, Django & REST API 3 Hrs
Class 11 Configuring URLconf's & Django Templates 3 Hrs
Class 10 How to Create Django View 3 Hrs
Class 09 Introduction to Django 3 Hrs
Class 08 Regular Expressions & MySQL Database Access 3 Hrs
Class 07 Functions & Modules 3 Hrs
Class 06 Tuples & Dictionary 3 Hrs
Class 05 Strings & Lists 3 Hrs
Class 04 Loops & Numbers 3 Hrs
Class 03 Basic Operators & Decision Making 3 Hrs
Class 02 Basic Syntax & Variable Types 3 Hrs
Class 01 Overview & Environment Setup 3 Hrs

Tentative Class Start

8th July, 2021

Available Seat

10 / 20

who can join

People who have basic knowledge of Microsoft Office, HTML, CSS, Jscript.

Meet the Instructor