Online  Certificate Course on Software Testing & Quality Assurance using Selenium

Online Certificate Course on Software Testing & Quality Assurance using Selenium

This course provides a practical understanding of testing overall, with a focus on test automation using a simple IDE and WebDriver with basic JAVA programming.

course at a glance

  • Date : 20 Jun - 15 Aug 2020
  • No. of Classes/ Sessions : 17
  • Total Hours : 50
  • Last Date of Registration : 20 Jun 2020
  • Class Schedule :
    • Saturday - 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    • Sunday - 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • venue : Online

Price: TK. 6,000
(including VAT & TAX)

This training is jointly organized by BITM & Leads Training & Consulting Ltd.
Training will be held in Leads Training & Consulting Ltd.
One of  the  most  popular open-source automation tools used by website application development companies today. Use the Selenium IDE to rapidly prototype, develop, and deploy automated test scripts and suites in software projects using common development approaches such as Agile, iterative/spiral and standard waterfall lifecycles. Understand the software testing process in terms of standard practices such as test planning, design, and execution as well as types of test activities based on software testing state-of-the- practice and industry best practices used in today’s software projects. This includes how to support and integrate test automation through the phases of software projects.

Course Outline

Certificate Course on Test Automation by Selenium using Java

Introductory class

1. Introduction
2. What is Software Testing and why should we test ? 
3. What is Test Automation ? Why automation is needed over manual testing ? 
4. Automation in Bangladesh Software Industry
5. Create Skype Group

Selenium IDE

6. Introduction to Selenium

7.Install Selenium IDE and ChroPath.

8.Introduction to Selenium IDE

9.Creating your First Selenium IDE script

10.How to use Locators in Selenium IDE

11.How to enhance a script using Selenium IDE

12.Automate a testing website using Selenium IDE

Project 1 : Automating a website using Selenium IDE

Web Driver

It will be beneficial if you revisit Java , before start on Webdriver. Though we will cover the following Java concepts which will be needed for Selenium Automation -

i) Basic structure of Java and Introduction of class and main method.
ii) What is package concept in java
iii) Variables and assigning variables in java
iV) Object, Creating an obeject in java
V) Attributes
vi) Java access Modifiers 
vii) Java Methods 
viii) Java Encapsulation
ix) Java Constructor/Destructor
x) Java To String concept

13.Introduction to Selenium WebDriver

14.Guide to install Selenium WebDriver and its necessary Environment

15.Creating your First Script in Webdriver

16.Cross Browser Testing using Selenium

17. Why Version control system is important in managing code and learn basic git commands to manage codes.

18.Sessions, Parallel run and Dependency in Selenium

19. Apache Maven details and building Java Projects with Maven

20. TestNG framework for test automation 

21. How TestNG makes Selenium tests easier

22. All about TestNG annotations and test management using TestNG 

23. TestNG Data Provider

24. Data driven testing using Apache POI

25. All About Excel in Selenium: POI & JXL

26. Test Case Priority in TestNG

27. TestNG: Execute multiple test suites

28. Parameterization using XML and DataProviders: Selenium

29. Creating Keyword & Hybrid Frameworks with Selenium

30. Page Object Model (POM) & Data driven testing

31. PDF , Emails and Screenshot of Test Reports in Selenium

32. Listeners and their use in Selenium WebDriver

33. Handling Date Time Picker using Selenium

34. Using headless browser - Selenium with HTMLUnit Driver & PhantomJS

35. Database Testing using Selenium

36. Handling Cookies in Selenium WebDriver

37. Alert & Popup handling in Selenium

38. Handling Ajax call in Selenium Webdriver

Project -2 : Automating a testing website using Selenium Webdriver, Java, Maven and TestNG


Training On Certificate Course on Test Automation by Selenium using Java 50 Hrs

Tentative Class Start

20th June, 2020

Available Seat

10 / 20

who can join

    • Testers of all types and levels
    • Other disciplines who perform their own testing or are involved in testing
    • Quality Assurance Professionals
    • Test Management
    • QA Managers
    • QA Directors
    • Software Engineers
    • Business Analysts
    • Project Managers
    • IT Specialists (Security, Capacity Management, Networking…)
    • Business Stakeholders
    • Outsourcer Staff (Buyers and Suppliers

      This software testing training course is an immediate benefit to)

  • Application Development Managers

Meet the Instructor