React For Beginners

React For Beginners

Learn to create web applications using ReactJS and understand the underlying concepts and frameworks.

course at a glance

  • Date : 18 Apr - 10 Jun 2020
  • No. of Classes/ Sessions : 16
  • Total Hours : 48
  • Last Date of Registration : 18 Apr 2020
  • Class Schedule :
    • Saturday - 6 PM - 9 PM
    • Wednesday - 6 PM - 9 PM
  • venue : RH Home Center, Level#5, Suite#539, 74/B/1 Green Road, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1205 Contact: 01841801180

Price: TK. 16,000
(including VAT & TAX)

This training is jointly organized by  BITM & PONDIT. Training will be held in  PONDIT.

React was created by Facebook. Think about your Facebook timeline: There are a lot of different components there with a lot going on: the timeline updates when there are new status updates, you can “like” or comment on a status update, you can get messages from Messenger, you can search for people, right?
For a long, long time, creating interactive experiences like this in JavaScript was doable but led to messy code that was difficult to maintain. React gives us a way to organize our code. Our views (i.e. components) are self-contained and, ideally, do just a single thing. This helps us work with other people because when they come look at our code it will be easier for them to understand it. And it makes our code more robust.


1. Introduction to The Course:
1.1. Course Overview

2. React Introduction and Environment Setup:
2.1. React Developer Tools
2.2. Setting Up React and Installing Required Packages
2.3. Learn About Single Page Application
2.4. Run Your First React App- Hello React

3. ES6 for Working With ReactJS:
3.1. Let and const
3.2. Template string literal
3.3. Arrow function
3.4. Classes and module
3.5. Import Statement
3.6. Operators
3.7. ForEach
3.8. Map
3.9. Filter
3.10. Destructuring

4. Introduction to React and JSX:
4.1. What is react js
4.2. Why react js
4.3. What is jsx

5. Component in React:
5.1. Thinking in Components
5.2. React VS ReactDOM
5.3. Differences Between Component Instances and Component Classes
5.4. Render Target
5.5. Component Structure
5.6. Stateless Functional Component
5.7. Class-Base Component
5.8. Controlled Component

6. Understanding React Props and State:
6.1. Introduction to React State
6.2. Introduction to Props
6.3. Props child

7. React Event Handling:
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Handling Simple User Event
7.3. Getting Values

8. Making a TODO Application:
8.1. On basis of state above discussion

9. React Component Life Cycle:
9.1. Component Life Cycle

10. Routing in ReactJS:
10.1. Introduction to React Router
10.2. Router Process
10.3. Setting Up Router
10.4. Using Router
10.5. Linking
10.6. Params
10.7. More on React Router

11. React Refactoring:
11.1. Improving Layout
11.2. Additionally Refactoring

12. Styling in React:
12.1. Basic CSS Framework


Module React For Beginners 48 Hrs

Tentative Class Start

18th April, 2020

Available Seat

10 / 20

who can join

This Course Require an intermediate understanding of
2. CSS
3. JavaScript