This Training is jointly organized by BITM & PeopleNTech
Training will be held in PeopleNTech
ASP.NET MVC Core is Microsoft's last MVC release based on .NET Framework for building scalable, standards-based web applications using well-established design patterns and the power of ASP.NET and the .NET Framework. Version 5 of ASP.NET MVC adds many new features such as template-based views based on the Bootstrap framework, attribute routing, support for Entity Framework 6, and more.
During the course, attendees build a fully functional data-driven ASP.NET MVC web application through a series of hands-on lab exercises.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn advanced C# skills to more easily embrace the MVC framework including anonymous types, extension methods, partial types, anonymous methods, dynamic types, the Thread Parallel Library (TPL), the lambda operator, Language Integrated Query (LINQ), and Entity Framework.
- Learn to understand the MVC design pattern and how it is applied in ASP.NET MVC.
- Learn to recognize the benefits and drawbacks of using ASP.NET MVC.
- Learn to make good decisions about application architecture and the choice of data access technology.
- Learn to build a compelling and maintainable HTML user interface using the Razor view engine and client-side JavaScript.
- Learn Visual Studio scaffolding and how to take advantage of it for code generation.
- Learn to add models, views, controllers, and areas to an MVC website.
- Learn the best practices of using ViewBag, ViewData, and TempData.
- Learn the three (3) MVC Helper objects and create custom helper extension methods.
- Learn the basics of using Bootstrap within your MVC application for responsive web design.
- Learn to use the new Web API framework to simplify the creation of HTTP services.
- Learn to gain experience with using adaptive rendering, mobile-specific views, and a view switcher to support a variety of mobile devices.
- Learn to create asynchronous controllers using TPL for greater control over the IIS thread pool.
- Learn to extend and modify ASP.NET MVC 6 by creating custom components and templates.
- Learn the best practices to deploying an ASP.NET MVC 6 website.
Course Outline:
Module-1: Introduction to .NET Framework and .NET Core
- Introduction to .NET Framework and .NET Core
- .NET Core for Cross-Platform Development
- Introduction to ASP.NET Core
- Evolution of ASP, ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core
- Any developer, any app, any platform
- .NET Framework & .NET Core high level overview
- NET Core High-Level Overview
- Code Compilation Process
- NET Core Features in Detail
- Introduction to Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code
- Installer, Project file, Template, Configuration file, dotnet CLI etc.
Module-2 Introduction to MVC Framework
- What is MVC?
- Introduction to design Pattern
- What is framework and differences between framework and library
- Component of MVC design pattern
- Introduction to Model, View and Controller and their responsibility.
- NET MVC and its feature
- Introduction to web application architecture, request and response
- How an application works?
- How separation of concern benefit us?
Module-3 Understanding the Views of MVC
- What are Views?
- Responsibility of Views
- Benefits of Using Views
- Creating a View
- Content of a View File What is Layout?
- How to create a Layout?
- Specifying a Layout
- Layout property of Razor views
- Introduction to RenderBody, Section, RenderSection etc.
- Ignoring sections
- About _ViewStart.cshtml file
- Razor Directives, Importing Shared Directives
- About _ViewImports.cshtml file
- Passing Data from Controller to View
- Introduction to ViewBag and ViewData
- Usages of TempData, ViewBag and ViewData
Module-4 Razor View Engine
- Razor View Engine, Razor Syntax
- Symbol to transition from HTML to C#
- Implicit Razor expressions
- Explicit Razor expressions
- Expression encoding
- Razor code blocks
- Implicit transitions
- Explicit transition
- Transitions in decision and Control Structures
- Comments in Razor Syntax
Module-5 Controller in ASP.NET Core MVC
- What is a Controller ?
- Responsibility of a Controller
- Action Methods and Action Results
- ActionResult vs IActionResult
- ViewResult, JsonResult, ContentResult, EmptyResult,
- RedirectResult, RedirectToActionResult, BadRequestResult
- FileResult, FileContentResult, FileStreamResult
- Dependency Injection in Controller
- Implicit Dependencies Principle
- Explicit Dependencies Principle
- Constructor Injection
- Action Injection
Module-6 Understanding the Model in ASP.NET Core MVC
- What is a Model?
- Responsibility of a Model
- Introduction to Model binding How Model binding works?
- Data Sources To Bind Request Data
- Form values, Route values, Query strings
- Bind Request Data
- Customize Model Binding With Attributes
- [BindRequired], [BindNever]
- Exact Binding source [FromHeader], [FromQuery], [FromRoute], [FromForm] [FromServices], [FromBody] etc.
- What happens Inside Model Binding?
- Value providers and Model Binders activities.
Module-7 Model Validation in ASP.NET Core MVC
- What is Model Validation?
- Why Model Validation?
- Where Model Validation ?
- Introduction to Validation Attributes How Model validation works?
- Example of Model with Validation Attributes
- Built-in Validation Attributes
- ComponentModel.DataAnnotations Namespace for validation attributes
- Model State and Handling Model State
- Manual Validation and Custom validation
- Client side validation and Remote validation
- Introduction to jQuery
- jQuery Selectors
- Unobtrusive JavaScript
- Ajax Helpers
- ActionLink() and BeginForm()
- AjaxOptions
jQuery UI
- Introduction
- Datepicker Widget
- Autocomplete Widget
- Other Front-End Frameworks
Module-8 Understanding Routing in ASP.NET Core MVC
- What is Routing?
- Routing in ASP.NET Core
- Routing Basics
- Router Middleware
- Incoming request, Route Handlers, RouteAsync Method, Route collection
- Creating Default Routes
- Extending Default Routes
- Using Attributes
- Building RESTful Routes
- Using Constraints
Module-9 Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
- What is LINQ ?
- Types Of LINQ
- LINQ Architecture IN .NET Why LINQ ?
- The building blocks of LINQ
- LINQ Query Syntax LINQ Lamda Syntax How LINQ to SQL works?
- Deferred execution
- LINQ Query Operators
Module-10 Entity Framework Core (EF Core)
- Entity Framework Core What is ORM?
- Introduction to Entity Framework Core
- Conceptual Model, Storage Model, Mapping
- Entity Framework Core in two scenarios
- Domain Model and Database
- Domain Model Approaches
- Code First and Database First Approach
- Concept of DBContext
- Introduction to Scaffolding
Module-11 Entity Framework Architecture
- Entity Framework Architecture
- Create the Model
- Register context with dependency injection
- Add Migration and Create Database
- Introduction to Asynchronous Code
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous code
- Introduction to async and await
- Entity States, No-tracking Queries etc.
Module-12 Security, Authentication, and Authorization in
- What is Authentication
- Authentication in ASP.NET Core
- Identity on ASP.NET Core
- Configure Identity
- Introduction to Authorization
- Authorization Types Authorization Namespace
- What is Role?
- Different Types of Authorization
- Simple Authorization
- Role based Authorization
- Claims-Based Authorization
- Custom Policy-Based Authorization
- Resource Based Authorization View Based Authorization How to add role checks?
- Policy based role checks
- How to add claims checks?
- Multiple Policy Evaluation etc.
Module-13 ASP.NET MVC Core application Deployment
- Deploy WEB Application in Remote Server
- Publishing and packaging Web API
- Configuring Server
- Deploying the Application and GO Live
Module-14 Project Work with ASP.NET Core MVC
- Introduction about project
- Project plan, approach and methodology identification
- Setting up the Project environment
- Conceptualization of requirements and develop requirements specification
- Designing solution in detail
- Development or construction based on the design
- Testing and debugging the Application
- Deploy Application to server
Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Training
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Write SELECT queries
- Query multiple tables
- Sort and filter data
- Describe the use of data types in SQL Server
- Modify data using Transact-SQL
- Use built-in functions
- Group and aggregate data
- Use sub queries
- Use table expressions
- Use set operators
- Use window ranking, offset and aggregate functions
- Implement pivoting and grouping sets
- Execute stored procedures
- Program with T-SQL
- Implement error handling
- Implement transactions
Module |
Microsoft MVC Core With SQL Server 2017 |
72 Hrs |